The idea of Trolls to me is something that shouldn't exist because its not nice for a troll to post threats about the person who posted the comment.Just because the person posted there opinion about what they thought about something they agreed on or disagreed that doesn't mean that somebody should go after that person only because they didn't like what they posted. In the United States we the people have the right of freedom of speech but in other countries they don't so where does the limit come to where a person writes or talks about on social media. Thats the question we don't have that right to say something. I think that the federal government should come to play when something serious is post threat to another person. Its comes to a point where the person can only take so much that once the tolls takes over there life then they have no control.
Why should a person go through something like that. That the Troll will make her quit her job now thats not right because the person needs to make a living for their if or if they have a family they need to survive also. Tolls have no right to doing harm of another person point blank they should be making threats or sending another person nasty pics. There should be a limit to something like that it dosnt matter what the cause is the trolls should have discipline.
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