Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sooner You Learn To ignore, Better Off You'll Be

Trolling has and will probably always be an issue . There is not really anything we can do to stop it . The way I look at trolling is that it's something you have to accept . There are always going to be people that disagree with you on something , wether it's your outfit or your opinion on gay marriage , whatever the case may be . I'm not saying that trolling is ok but I'm just saying it's something we will have to learn to live with . In some cases , people take trolling too far but in most cases it's just someone stating their opinion in which they are entitled to. Maybe I feel this way because I'm used to constructive criticism and take it very well . Constructive criticism is somewhat like trolling , minus the harassment and stuff . Trolling should be taken to a certain extent. You should state your opinion but you should not be mean about it . If you don't take negative thoughts and opinions well from others then you should not open yourself to them . I mean it's kind of hard not to but as far as social media such as Instagram , you should not have one if you don't want any trollers . By making an account online , you are making yourself available or open to negative feedback . There's things that you can do such as making your page private so that only people you know can follow you but even then trollers will find a way . In the article "Dialogue is important even when it's impolite" , the title says it all. Dialogue meaning conversation between two or more people is essential to everyday life . Someone can easily say something that you may disagree with or not like in a conversation and there's nothing wrong with that . Due to everyone being entitled to their own opinion, we have to learn and accept how other people think or feel . When stating an opinion you should be mindful of others thoughts and opinions though as well . Trolling should not be this big of an issue and it should be something we can ignore . It's never been that big of a deal for me and I deal with trollers all the time . I've learned to ignore it and move on.

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