Friday, December 4, 2015

Is anonymity always bad?

For the past few days our class has been reading about online trolling, and then many stories of people who have dealt with an online troll. Most people blame anonymity for why trolls do what they do, they believe if anonymity wasn't an option the trolling would stop. However, a troll wont stop just because they cant be anonymous, they would just create a fake account. Trolls do what they do because it makes them feel good, and not having anonymity wouldn't stop them. Trolling has given anonymity a negative connotation in the sense that anonymity allows for people to say what is need to be said in order to maybe help another person through a hard time, where as if said in person would hurt that person. Anonymity isn't all bad, just like with everything in the world there are people who abuse what they have but it shouldn't ruin it for all the rest who use it responsibly.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand the point you're making, but I feel like there is a line between expressing your freedom of speech and harassing somebody online just for enjoyment. I feel like these websites should get all the information from their users and still let the users post anonymously. This would help because if they go beyond the line and start to harass somebody then the site can give their information to the police which could lead to the stopping of the harassment. Just a thought.
