Thursday, December 10, 2015

Trolls look for attention

Throughout the course of this section, trolling on social media has stood out to me much more. I had even found a twitter page called "How to get Blocked", this page glorifies the rude comments and trolls. The page was made for the amusement of others, finding the harsh jokes and comments comical. Some of the comments were very pointless wisecracks but some others were threatening and harassing. One tweet toward a celebrity was that they should just kill themselves because they are ugly. I don't understand how someone could really find this comment funny or amusing. By getting recognition from others as funny or cool is making them feel more powerful and more confident to leave comments. They are not considering how some of these comments could actually leave an affect on others thoughts and feelings. But also the followers of the page who likes and retweets the comments are playing a major part by adding to the page's fame and adding more need for comments in order to keep the page popular.  The whole point of this page was to get attention. That is the whole point for trolls to get major attention at any cause. That's why in many cases the "jokes" turn into pain harassment toward an innocent victim. By not giving the trolls the attention they are striving to get they will not feel powerful enough to leave a hurtful post.

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