Thursday, December 3, 2015

It's a Part of Life

We've been talking about this subject about trolling and anonymity for a while in class already and I still have the same thing keeps popping in my head: "Who cares?" Although I do find it horrible that some people hide behind screens and say rude things about others, I think we are just going to have to accept that people are cruel. There is always something that’s going to be there to hate, talk behind your back, and just be plain rude and we just have to live with it.  Unless every single person in the world is somehow magically turned into a perfect human being, we aren’t going to have a society where hate isn’t projected.  Hate and cruelty are apart of human nature and are ultimately inevitable in the society we live in today whether we like it or not.  Don’t get me wrong, I want everyone to love each other and respect other people’s opinions and beliefs, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.  This probably sounds so harsh and negative, but that’s the way I see this whole trolling situation. It’s definitely not right to troll others and we can try to limit whatever is said over the Internet and take away anonymity, but that won’t take away the real face-to-face interactions with a generally mean person. I agree that monitoring comments and posts are very essential to Internet usage so that the Internet can be more of a safe environment, but I don’t think we should expect anything from it.


  1. I like your thoughts being different about this topic. I agree with not taking it personal and just accept the there are horrible people in thia world. The only downside is that not everybody has the same mind so some people are more sensitive than others. The sensitive people can become troubled by all the hurtful words they are being told over the internet. If it weren't for that I don't think the problem would be as big as it is right now.

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  3. You are not harsh for thinking that. Some people including myself think who cares in our heads too. You are right when you say no one is perfect and people may be genuinely mean. I think almost everyone has faced a troll but what can they really do about it. I have face anonymous people on askfm that have said hurtful things but there is nothing I really can do. Yes one can report it and try to take it to higher power to get the person in trouble but it's not worth the time and hassle to confront the one cyberbulling you. So when we talk about these anonymous cases I do think who cares because most people are victims but there is nothing we can really do, We just have to accept the fact that people are cruel and if we take away trolls it may lessen the problem online but there will be people who are still mean in person.

  4. Not everybody will benefit from the attempts to stop trolls, but I believe that preventing even one person from being a victim of a troll is worth the effort. Obviously not everybody will be able to avoid trolling as a whole, but comment filtering systems and other attempts are helping others and that is some type of progress. We are most likely never going to stop trolling altogether, but a constant effort should be given to combat the never ending trolls.

  5. It is a part of life. Social media sites often attempt to monitor comments, they provide block/delete buttons but that is not enough to keep the trolls away. Social media can attempt to contol what one might post but how can social media control how we are to each other when in comes to interacting face to face.Dealing with online trolls is bad but dealing with the troll face to face is even worse. There is really nothing we can do when it comes to dealing with mean people. There is no block/delete button in real life.
