Thursday, December 3, 2015

Cyberharassment is Unavoidable

       I have really mixed feelings about trolling. I mean, there’s the harmless trolling – the kind that’s annoying but could be funny at times, and I think we should just leave those alone. But then there’s the cyber harassment kind, which really grinds my gears whenever I read about them. When we first started this unit and read Lindy West’s article, I got pretty angry. I don’t see how people can just do that kind of harm to someone else and be able to sleep at night. I don’t understand how someone’s misery brings others joy, it’s just crazy. But then again, there are all sorts of messed up people in this world: serial killers, terrorists, abusive spouses, and even school bullies. And as much as I would like to solve this issue in my lifetime, I just don’t see a way in which we can. Farhad Manjoo in his article, “Web Trolls Winning as Incivility Increases,” he said that, “If there’s one thing the history of the Internet has taught us, it’s that trolls will be difficult to contain because they really reflect base human society in all its ugliness. Trolls find a way.” I agree with that 100 percent.

         Cyberharassment will be impossible to combat because the problem lies within the societal problems of racism and misogyny. There will always be people who will view others as being below them; women will always be seen by some as being inferior to men, and some races will always discriminate against others. It’s just human nature and there isn’t much we can do. I somewhat understand the argument of both sides, though. I get that people can just look away and try not to be affected by whatever they see but at the same time, I also see why people may be so against it. I feel like the youth today just have to be better educated on the effects and consequences of cyber bullying and learn to be more accepting so that we can all live together in harmony like the four nations in Avatar the Last Air Bender – that is, until the fire nation attacks. I’m not sure if I’m even making sense anymore but let me know what you think and comment below!

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