Friday, December 11, 2015

Anonymity Is a Good Thing

So this week was a pretty hectic week i have to admit. We had so much to do in what seemed like such a short amount of time. I feel so much pressure now that we have essays and other work to complete with the end of the semester approaching. None the less, this week's unit on anonymity has been very eye opening. In my opinion, anonymity should be allowed but to a certain extent. I think we all have a right to our privacy, however, when we take advantage of it is when we question the need for so much privacy in the first place. I think the best option is to let people post things on social media anonymously; but, have their profiles traceable in the information they leave such as email accounts or even their location.  Its the only way we can still abide by people's rights while making it easier to track down cyberharassment at it's source. All in all, anonymity is actually a good thing, it's people who take advantage of it that make it seem like a horrible idea.

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