Friday, December 4, 2015

Anonymity is the Way to Go Anonymity can help in many different ways. For example someone could know something that may potentially hurt the other person, but they do not want to physically tell that person because they don't want to be compromised or brought in the mix of things. As a result, they go on some type of social media outlet anonymously and tell that person to be aware and keep safe. Most people would consider this act as being a snitch, but guess what, no one knows who you are. To be honest I kind of hate that you can't help someone in everyday society without being labled a snitch, but that's a whole different blog post. Anonymity can also help with someone who has a serious situation they need to overcome, but are just too embarrassed to say anything about it. So they create an anonymous account and asks for advice from his or her fellow peers or just people out there on the internet. This could encourage that person to overcome their fear or what ever they have to conquer to feel better about themselves. Anonymous postings could literally change someone's outlook on life, and that's the beauty of the whole concept.

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