Friday, December 4, 2015

Anonymity Isn't Alwasy Bad

When we first began talking about anonymity I didn't think it would mean so much. It can be used in a positive way but it is mostly looked at as a negative factor. I know I thought of it as something negative when we continued to read articles. But I grew to learn that being anonymous isn't always a bad thing. Some people want to make sure their stuff is not identified. They don't want people knowing what they are saying. For example, professors are anonymous because they might not want students seeing what they post or a parent who doesn't want to embarrass their family. I believe as long as one is not harassing another person and being a bully on social media then being anonymous is okay. When anonymous people begin to start drama and cause conflict, that's when it isn't okay and the website should do something. I am sure the company of the website can see who made the profiles and as soon as the harassment begins it should be shut down. People should only be able to hide behind a screen when it is for personal or work related situations, not to harass and hurt people. Anonymity is an iffy thing. People are either for it or against it. With me I feel in between because there are two different sides with pros and cons. Hopefully websites can improve on their security to stop trolls.

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