Friday, December 4, 2015

Is Being Anonymous Good or Bad?

The topic that we've been discussing in class these past couple of days have been about anonymity. I believe becoming anonymous has positive and negative sides to it, and even though most of the class might think it's a bad thing I think it's a good thing. Becoming anonymous means being able to say things you wouldn't usually say because you know you'll be judged if you say something people don't agree with. A good example of it being a good thing would be a discussion we had a couple days ago and it was about doing blind reads. I feel that by doing blind reads it helps the writer because they're getting actual feedback and  they don't have a friend or someone they know reading their paper. It's obvious that they won't want to give harsh critic because they don't want to have their friend hate them, and I would know because I never give my harsh feedback to my best friends whenever they want me to read a paper or review what they have typed. I don't look as being anonymous a bad thing because there's people that don't have a voice in the real world and the way society is set up we wouldn't be able to know what people's thoughts are. But there's also the negative side to anonymity and that would be that people abuse being anonymous. By wanting abuse that power they end up hurting certain individual and that's why most people have the mind set of not wanting to be anonymous. We shouldn't let ignorant people affect us in our way of expression and actually want to have an opinion of our own.

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