Wednesday, December 2, 2015

[KC]: Room for Debate Rhetorical Precis

The next step for this unit is for you to complete the rhetorical precis. A rhetorical precis is an academic summary written based on a selected work. It is more than simple summary, however. It has a rigidly specific format wherein the writer presents essential information about a particular text. There are four sentences in a rhetorical precis and each requires a specific focus:

  • Sentence 1: In a single coherent sentence give the following: (a) name of the author, title of the work, date in parenthesis; (b) a rhetorically accurate verb (such as "assert," "argue," "deny," "prove," disprove," "insist," etc.); (c) a that clause containing the major claim (thesis statement) of the work.
  • Sentence 2: In a single coherent sentence give an explanation of how the author develops and supports the major claim (thesis statement).
  • Sentence 3: In a single coherent sentence give a statement of the author's purpose, followed by an "in order" phrase.
  • Sentence 4: In a single coherent sentence give a description of the intended audience and/or the relationship the author establishes with the audience.
Check out this video that Ms. Fletcher and Mr. Phinizy made to help explain the rhetorical precis.

So, you will complete TWO rhetorical precis based on two of the seven articles from Room for Debate: The War Against Online Trolls. These two precis need to be completed, typed, in MLA format by Friday, December 4th. You will be assigned one and you can choose the other. Here are the list of articles:

  1. Danielle Keats Citron: "Time to Fight Cyberharrassment"
  2. Gabriella Coleman: "Anonymity Serves Us All"
  3. Kristy Tillman: "Women and Minorities as Targets"
  4. Ryan M. Milner: "Dialogue Is Important, Even When It's Impolite"
  5. Annemarie Dooling: "Don't Identify by Names but by Knowledge"
  6. Whitney Phillips: "Focus on Actions and Context"
  7. Vyshali Manivannan: "When 'Trolling' Becomes an Umbrella Term"
Here is a LINK to the Rhetorical Precis Rubric

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