Friday, December 11, 2015

The Message Over the Messenger

Something I really like about what Gabriella Coleman wrote in her article "Anonymity Serves Us All" is that anonymity "At its best, it puts the attention on the message, rather than the messenger." In other words, being anonymous makes people only see what is being said and not who said it because that is all that is there. In some cases this allows the message to have more of an effect on people. This allows writers, activists, and others to say controversial things they can't under their actual identity. I think that this is a very important thing that anonymity allows and a reason why it cannot be banned completely. Many websites have taken steps to combat the trolls that use the mask of anonymity to their advantage and do bad things and other websites that want to get rid of trolls should do the same. However getting rid of anonymity entirely will not get rid of trolls completely but it will make the good of anonymity much harder.

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