Friday, December 4, 2015

Anonymity Used The Right Way

Whenever the word ‘Anonymity’ is brought up in a conversation, it’s usually perceived as being a negative thing because of online trolls. They have given the name such a bad reputation because those who use anonymity most of the time like to cause havoc or harass others online without having to reveal themselves at all. Anonymity was created originally to let people share their ideas to the world without having to show their true identities. For example, In one of the comments I read for the Coleman article, a user that goes by the username ‘Chris (PA)’ said that he prefers to use anonymity because he works as a college professor and does want his students to find comments or posts where he expresses his beliefs and such to be traced back to him. Another comment from that same article read that the person did not want to reveal himself either because he lives in an area where everyone is a republican but he is a democrat. A lot of places that he's worked at are all politically related jobs and to avoid being harassed by everyone he choses to stay private. I think that in order for social media and other websites to prevent anymore trolling, they should create a comment system where the post has to be approved before being put out for everyone to see. If that were to be done then it could save tons of people from getting bullied by internet trolls daily and change the use of anonymity in a more positive way and how it is supposed to be.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog. I like how you talked about that anonymity was made as a good thing and not to be mean and harass people. I also liked how you talked about the Coleman article because I knew exactly what you were talking about.
