Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The nature of trolling

Reading Citron's article on the New York Times website made me think a lot about the issue of trolling. I agree with her that although some cruel comments are protected by the Constitution, there are some that go far past the line into whats known as cyberbullying. Anonymity on the Internet promotes this and promises the individual that they wont get caught. I can see how this is true because I find that I am more comfortable with texting people instead of talking to them face to face. I can also express my own opinions online easier than in the real world. One of the comments posted about Citron's article was interesting because it said that online anonymity allows domestic abusers to easily violate the law and terrorize people without the fear of getting in trouble. They can threaten, cause emotional distress, and harm an individual pychologically. I support Citron's position that law enforcement should use their expertise to get involved by tracking down these trolls and reducing the chaos caused online. Also, this article warns that we must not just say anything that we wish despite our rights but that we should have some limit to what we put out there because it stays online forever. It could have consequences for you later in the future especially if you have become a more mature individual that wants to succeed and make an impact on society. What if someone decided to do some research on you and finds out that you used to be a harmful troll? This evidence can be used against you. Just because we believe we have a right to say things does not necessarily mean that it is right to say.


  1. I agree with you when you said that even though we have the right to say anything we want, doesn't mean we should. Many people need to learn to have respect for others.

  2. I agree with you when you said that even though we have the right to say anything we want, doesn't mean we should. Many people need to learn to have respect for others.

  3. I agree with you that people do need to understand that we should really think before they post something online because some of the things we post can actually be offensive to some people. Anything you post online will stay on there forever even if you delete it.
