Friday, December 4, 2015


 Whenever I hear the word troll I always think of the bedtime story.   The one where an ugly creature is hiding under a bridge.   This troll is kind of the same thing as an online troll.   Online trolls have ugly personalities that they had behind the screen to put other people down. I know that some people are told to never to react to a troll because that is exactly what they are looking for.  A reaction.   In my opinion I think you should  not allow people to talk to you that way.   It's kind of like you punching me and me not punching you back.   I'm  obviously can hit you back that's the way I was taught.   I want to be treated with respect.  Doesn't matter if I'm black or white, girl or boy. I want respect and I feel as thought trolls are disrespectful.   But I know that trolls are never going to stop there just gonna keep growing.

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