Friday, December 11, 2015

Thoughts on anonymous people ..

Now that we are getting near the end of this section more people areally opening up. I see a lot of people supporting the continuation of anonymous posting. Of course they don't support the so called "trolls" that harass and stalk people because that is uncivilized. I am going to have to agree with the rest of my classmates I wouldn't want people to know my real name. As a daily Internet user on via Xbox Live I wouldn't be comfortable  knowing my identity is out there because there a lot of hackers. In my opinion it is to much of a risk for people's  safety because the Internet is not a safe place. Once a hacker uploads your information it there forever there no way to stop it. I think it would make things worse than it is because then hacking would increase because now there is a lot of identities surfacing the Internet. I think the best way to stop this problem is just by having parents talk to their kids about it seriously and keeping in an eye on them. There is no other way because if we find a way to close this door, other doors will open. It just a never ending cycle of problems, just leave if it as it . Unless some one has a way to stop it without showing identity feel free to share. I don't think there is a good solution to please both sides, that I can think if. I have really tried to think of solutions  haha but nothing comes to mind for both sides.

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