after highschool what do you want to do? community college, university, workforce or armed forces? its all the same thing in reality. you have to pay for your own stuff, keep your self in check and make sure you do what you need to do to keep a roof over your head and food on your table. every day i hear people at school saying it so hard being in high school and there is too much work and not enough fun but these are the best and easiest years of your life. after you throw your cap on graduation day you are forever changed. have fun in high school while it lasts and dont complain next year about how you miss high school and how it was so much easier than the real world...we all know. even though getting up to go to class is hard and balancing personal, social and school life together from 3 pm to 10pm and still fit time to do things with our families is really close to impossible, a year from now its not any easier. it might be harder. so before you say bad stuff about the staff (except Colln) just remember;
". . . You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back;
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast;
These are some good times;
So take a good look around;
You may not know it now;
But you're gonna miss this . . ."
(You're gonna miss this- Trace Adkins)
blogging is weird. :/
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