Monday, October 19, 2015

Commencement speech thoughts..

After reading and listening to a variety of commencement speeches.  It reminded me of the first time I went to a graduation with a commencement  speech. I was a sophomore and it was for my uncle's graduation from la Verne University.  I don't really  recall to much of the speech all I know it was from an astronaut that grew up with literally nothing. His parents were immigrant farm workers that constantly had to move because of the changing fruit and vegetable season. Despite this flaw his parents managed to support him in school and he became an astonaut even though he had no one to look up to. That speech along with the other comencement speeches we have read now have a new  meaning to me.
At first I didn't care to much about them especially the one from sophomore year because I had not realized the importance of school. I bet most people now have new meaning about school and are actually inspired by these speeches. I know I'm inspired now because they each have a strong message  and moral we can learn from. These commencement speeches can now be my favorite part about a graduation just because of their message and purpose .

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