Monday, October 19, 2015

Our Maker

High school, it was such a simple thing to think about when I was young and naive. Coming into high school as a freshman I thought i had the world figured out. However, it wasn't at all that way. as most kids do I didn't listen to my parents; they always told me what would happen if I did this or that, but the child I was I didn't listen. High school, as much as we all say we don't like it, that we just cant't wait to get out, has made us who we are and through all the girls and boys, the all nighters to finish that project that's due tomorrow and the lose and gains of friends, high school has made us. We can't deny that even though it may have sucked, it has helped us in more ways than we care to count. It's only now the I see high school was only a pin prick in the life we are going to have through all he hurt, necessary barriers have been made, all the good times lets us know what to look for in the future. Every heart break, every mistake, every math test we have bombed, has helped prepare us for whats to come. Suck it up and put your life first and don't waste all the training you've endured to get you where you are, I'm not. High school, its a stepping stone for the mountain we are all bout to climb.

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