As we all know, commencement speeches are supposed to inspire as well as give hope and provide advice for the graduates. Advice is one of the main points speakers focus on which I find necessary but when it comes to teenagers giving advice, I find them to be unqualified. I'm not saying that I'm any more qualified but teenagers giving advice to other teenagers just seems absurd. I know the majority of us are used to seeing a valedictorian give a speech at graduation filled with hope and advising their fellow peers on how to handle life. I started wondering how someone my age knows about the "real world"while being sheltered in the "high school world" and yet can advice people about problems that we may face in life. As many other teenagers, I have experienced certain events that have helped me grow and become mature but even then I do not feel wise or apt to give others advice. I'm not discouraging or by any means against people (in this case teens) sharing how they overcame a challenge but rather I find it beneficial as it helps the audience identify with the speaker. But telling someone what to do does not personally seem the best way to go when giving a high school commencement speech because what might've worked for you, possibly did not for others. I find the situation completely different when it comes to college graduations as we saw some speeches during class, due to those speakers being older advicing a younger crowd on the trials of life. So we should just leave the advising to the pros.
What's ironic, is that I'm advicing on how not to advice.
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