Monday, October 19, 2015


Due to the recent weeks of watching, learning, and creating commencement addresses I have begun to find myself doing something I haven't ever done, reflecting about high school.  Now I don't know if the commencement addresses and my reflection have a correlation between them or if it's merely because I'm a senior and it's basically all over with, but either way I'm beginning to enjoy the revelations I've made about the past four years whether they be obscure or already obvious to everyone.

Whether we were conscientious of it or not, high school has taught us to be ever ready for changes to occur. Many people feel as though they don't handle or adapt to change well despite the fact that they go through it on a daily basis without even knowing.  If you're one of the people that have the same core group of friends as they did in middle school, kudos to you because that is a rare and beautiful occurrence.  However I'm sure many people may have gone through something similar to me.  In middle school I believed that the friends I had would remain the same through high school, and that my bestfriend and I would be bestfriends forever.  Now as a senior, my bestfriends are people that I didn't even speak to or sometimes even know existed during middle school, and people I thought I would be friends forever with are limited to "hello's" in the hallways.  What this has taught me is to embrace change and open up yourself to change, because at the end of the day it is inevitable, so why fight it.  Without change I wouldn't have met the bestfriends that I love and cherish and who have taught me things that I don't think I could've learned as well without. 

Similarly, before middle school I thought I was going to play baseball and maybe soccer throughout high school, and once I reached middle school I thought I was only going to play soccer. Now I'm a senior and I'm varsity for two sports that I hardly knew existed prior to high school.  That truly amazes me because in all of those stages of my life I thought I had my sport situation figured out and I ended up completely different.  This has also taught me to accept change and go with the flow because if I wasn't open to new things I never would've realized that despite everything horrible about it, I love running.  With that I'm hopeful that despite I may feel as though I have everything in my future figured out, since I am open to change I will open myself to new and possibly better opportunities.  Remember to go about your life ready for something better.

Sebastian Rogers

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