Tuesday, October 27, 2015

High School : Commencement Speech

When I attended my first day at Mayfair, I was so scared to go to school. I was scared because I could remember to myself a new school a much bigger school with older kids. My first thought was are they other kids going to like me or are they going to be mean to me. I remember my mom telling me that everything is going to be ok that I shouldnt be worried because that the kids were going to like me for me. When I got to school to I didnt know what to do at all all or where to go and I just can remeber I just wanted to go home and that was all. Thankfully I had my sister and my brother with me at this school.
Looking back, through the years from 7th to now I can just say to myself that I shouldnt have been worried at all if people like me or not. During my years at Mayfair I made a lot of friends and I lost a lot of friends but that didnt stop me from going to school at all. I just learned to grow as a student a much better student around class.

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