Thursday, October 22, 2015

[KC]: Peter Elbow Paperslide Self-Reflection

After your group has presented, each person in the group needs to submit the following: In a one-page TYPED letter, reflect on the whole process of engaging with Peter Elbow’s Writing With Power.

The reading:
  • What did you learn? Would you put your technique into practice?

The preparation:
  • Who did what? How did you break up/discuss the material? Who made the slides? How did preparing the script go? Note the contributions (or lack of thereof) of your groupmates.

The video:
  • Who did what? Note the contributions (or lack of thereof) of your groupmates. Who talked? Who flipped the slides? Who filmed? Who uploaded?

The exit pass:
  • After looking through the exit passes, do you feel that the students grasped the material? Why or why not?

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