Thursday, October 29, 2015


     Going into high school no one was fully aware of what it was going to be like. Especially me. Being raised in a tough environment as a child, I figured this would all just be like everything else just more stress, more pressure, and most importantly for me more loneliness. Having no one around for me just like elementary and middle school. But much to my surprise things were not like that at all. I was surrounded by a more support than I ever imagined. Being helped with school work, with home problems, on the soccer field, and friends. I am now able to look back at memories that have changed my life. Everyone has special memories with friends or teacher that they will all look back on and feel a special connection with. We have all been so honored to attend a high school with such a great student and faculty staff.
     Being able to use our experiences that we have learned here at this amazing school, we are now able to use these experiences and move on in our lives as adults. We have been put through such great support system and we don't fully understand what we have. Once we leave and we are living our grown lives whether its college, the workforce, or the military, we will see what we had now. It will not be very clear at this point because we have the support right in front of us and it has been there for a long time already. we will never lose support, it will always follow us with family and friends, but this type of encouragement we have right now as seniors will be the strongest we have ever felt it. That is a great aspect I am going to miss once I leave this school.

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