I've skimmed though quite a few of the class blog posts only to find the scheme of it all centered around the idea of reflecting on our High School careers. The thing that makes senior year so unique, is that it's the last stretch. It's the point where you get to turn your head back and observe this timeline, created by none other than ourselves, the individuals. Many timelines may cross one another, and to possibly sit and consider everybody's timeline, you may end up with a huge tangled mess. You can't fix the tangled mess, time only understands linear motion, there's no turning back.
The only way to cope with the tangled mess is to continue moving forward. Everyone can agree senior year and this act of looking back is the big pay off, and for some it is; However, I see it as the opportunity to look ahead. Although, there's nothing ahead. The vast empty void of the unknown and endless possibilities can be scary. The liberties after High School are great, and the open world awaits. We are going to take full control of where our timelines go, and we are going to continue to create tangled messes, and some will even create the same timeline together.
If there is one thing I ever learned from listening to wise (old) people repeat the same story for the tenth time, it's that you will regret decisions, chances, and risks you never took in life. So I hope that no one falls into a cookie cutter of a life. Some generic, basic template of what was expected of you. It would be nice to know everyone is going to seize every opportunity, and do something with it. Anything. When we're all wise people and can finally sit down and reflect on a more broad timeline, at least my wish, is to be able to say "I regret nothing".
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