Friday, October 30, 2015

[KC]: Shaped by a Shift

This week I suffered a loss - a death in the family. In going through this and following the same procedures that I know all too well (grieving, coping, comforting others, etc), I couldn't help but recognize the reflection that comes with losing someone you love. Perhaps it's this whole business of commencement addresses and personal statement writing; perhaps I am simply hyper-aware of reflection because of the units through which we've been working. Nevertheless, I found myself reflecting on my life. And, here I am, in the late hours of the night (or early hours of the morning, depending on what type of person you are) -- the time of night when only sketchy activity wakes and weird-looking animals stir about -- reflecting on the reflection that I've done this week.

In a sense, I am commencing a new chapter of my life. There's a shift in my narrative, albeit a small one. You see, my life has changed because this family member has left it (in the physical sense). Again, it's a small change, but it's there. I've realized that even though it may not seem like my life is different because my day-to-day routine isn't changing and my goals remain the same and my focus hasn't shifted, what I knew my life, in the complete sense of the word, to be will never be the same. No family dinner will ever be the same. The dynamic of it has changed. There is now an alteration in what it once was. Sure, we will celebrate the life of this loved one. We'll look back on past dinners and reminisce about the times that she made us all laugh. We'll re-tell her jokes so that the spirit of who she was lives on. We'll continue her traditions, which we all groaned over. Every. Single. Year. Yet, we always went along with them because it made her smile and gave her an excuse to tell a story -- her stories were the best. We'll feel nostalgic about the times when she was here. Still, that's exactly what it will be: nostalgia. I think that's what got me reflecting, the truth that every memory I will ever have of her has already been made. There is no potential for more, and everything involving her will always have a haze of "the past" over it.

So, it comes down to this: we are a product of not only what we do, but also of what life does to us. Essentially, we can't control everything that happens in our lives. Each interaction, each major change, each minor change for that matter, will alter our story just a bit. There will be a rift in what we have known to be the normalcy of our lives, a fracture in what we're used to. We will leave that experience different in some way. But, this is a good thing. It shows growth. It allows for it. And, it presents an opportunity to reflect -- on what you've done, on who you are, on who you want to be. I think these rifts, no matter how small they may be, are what truly develop our character. They force us to embark on a slightly different path, a slightly different story. Embrace them. We can look at them as a crack or we can view them as a restructure, but either way they create a new depth, something we haven't felt before, something we have yet to discover. It's in these depths that we start to find our gems, the qualities that shape us, the things that bring meaning to our narrative. And trust me, all of our narratives matter.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

[KC]: Hidden Intellectualism Assignment and Preparing for the JIGSAW

Hello, people.

Be sure to finish reading your jigsaw article you were assigned today (Remember, I assigned a number between 1 and 5. Based on that you are to read your assigned article in the back of the packet.)

Take a look at the slides from today. Make sure you review this and then complete the Stop and Respond for the "Hidden Intellectualism" in our packet.

Here are the places to stop in the text: 


     Going into high school no one was fully aware of what it was going to be like. Especially me. Being raised in a tough environment as a child, I figured this would all just be like everything else just more stress, more pressure, and most importantly for me more loneliness. Having no one around for me just like elementary and middle school. But much to my surprise things were not like that at all. I was surrounded by a more support than I ever imagined. Being helped with school work, with home problems, on the soccer field, and friends. I am now able to look back at memories that have changed my life. Everyone has special memories with friends or teacher that they will all look back on and feel a special connection with. We have all been so honored to attend a high school with such a great student and faculty staff.
     Being able to use our experiences that we have learned here at this amazing school, we are now able to use these experiences and move on in our lives as adults. We have been put through such great support system and we don't fully understand what we have. Once we leave and we are living our grown lives whether its college, the workforce, or the military, we will see what we had now. It will not be very clear at this point because we have the support right in front of us and it has been there for a long time already. we will never lose support, it will always follow us with family and friends, but this type of encouragement we have right now as seniors will be the strongest we have ever felt it. That is a great aspect I am going to miss once I leave this school.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

High School : Commencement Speech

When I attended my first day at Mayfair, I was so scared to go to school. I was scared because I could remember to myself a new school a much bigger school with older kids. My first thought was are they other kids going to like me or are they going to be mean to me. I remember my mom telling me that everything is going to be ok that I shouldnt be worried because that the kids were going to like me for me. When I got to school to I didnt know what to do at all all or where to go and I just can remeber I just wanted to go home and that was all. Thankfully I had my sister and my brother with me at this school.
Looking back, through the years from 7th to now I can just say to myself that I shouldnt have been worried at all if people like me or not. During my years at Mayfair I made a lot of friends and I lost a lot of friends but that didnt stop me from going to school at all. I just learned to grow as a student a much better student around class.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

[KC]: Peter Elbow Paperslide Self-Reflection

After your group has presented, each person in the group needs to submit the following: In a one-page TYPED letter, reflect on the whole process of engaging with Peter Elbow’s Writing With Power.

The reading:
  • What did you learn? Would you put your technique into practice?

The preparation:
  • Who did what? How did you break up/discuss the material? Who made the slides? How did preparing the script go? Note the contributions (or lack of thereof) of your groupmates.

The video:
  • Who did what? Note the contributions (or lack of thereof) of your groupmates. Who talked? Who flipped the slides? Who filmed? Who uploaded?

The exit pass:
  • After looking through the exit passes, do you feel that the students grasped the material? Why or why not?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

[KC]: Exploring Key Concepts Activity

What’s Next After High School
Activity 3: Exploring Key Concepts
Words are more than lists to memorize for a test; they are concepts, the ideas that allow us to distinguish ourselves from one another. Some of us feel “courageous,” others feel “cautious,” and yet others may feel “indifferent” or “unconcerned.” The task here is (1) to find the words that best match ideas about who you think you are at this stage of your life; and (2) to begin to unpack these words for the information they provide about your attitudes and assumptions, skills and abilities, plans and goals. The more language you have to describe yourself and what you are bringing to the next stage of your life, the more opportunities you have to represent yourself accurately.
What follows is a rather brief list of words, certainly not a comprehensive list, that will help you find words that name the values and abilities you are bringing to the next stage of your life.
Look through the list, and choose 10 words that best fit your sense of self. Write them down in your notebook in the section you have titled “What’s Next?”
book smart
shine at work
shy person
small steps
family person
social person
street smart
life of the mind
low self esteem
positive self esteem
Now, think of ten words of your own, and add to the list.  Then, in your notebooks, rank your 20 words from most important to least important in describing who you are right now.

Since these are things that describe "the values and abilities that you are bringing to the next stage of your life," rank them in the order of what YOU think is most important in making up who you are, meaning which words describe you BEST to LEAST. Obviously, they all describe you, which is why you chose them. Of the 20, which best describes you (#1) and so on.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Keep Going

With the end of senior year approaching us, it feels as though we have to do everything we can to make it memorable. Leading up to our final year, my ideas and plans on what I wanted to do kept expanding like as if there wasn’t an ending to high school. Now that the time has come, I can pretty much say that my high school career has been very eventful and am thankful for our graduating class for making these memories happen. High school is pretty hectic, (on a small scale) I mean I don’t know if it’s because we’re all going through puberty but I have to say it got emotional at times. Some advice I would like to share is to keep going. Even after we graduate and some of us may fall into a rut just keep going. You’re life is what you make it to be so don’t settle.

Growing up in a family that values education, you’d think I’d have a strong will to do my best in school, on the contrary, I didn’t put school first which leads me to my next point and that is to value education because essentially you will always need it, especially after high school. You may be wondering, what’s next? That answer is up to you to figure out. Once we graduate, we are left discovering the world on our own. There is going to be little to almost no restrictions once you become an adult and hopefully in high school you learned to make some responsible decisions on your own and if not then you have a whole life ahead of you. Go ahead make mistakes and learn from them. You have to experience setbacks to give you a raw and different understanding of life. Make memories and have fun.

Cierra Pin

Mayfair Memories

When I was younger I always expected my life to be straight out of a movie, I am not talking about John Cusack standing outside my window holding a boom box (For those who don’t know the movie its Say Anything). I envisioned that high school would be more like it was perceived in movies like High School Musical and Mean Girls minus the spontaneous singing in class and burn book. Although, starting high school was a whole other scene that no movie could depict.  It is not like I thought high school would be easy. I knew it was a lot of hard work but no one ever talked about the stress that came with it. Managing everything from clubs, to school work, to even friends but I guess that is what makes high school, high school. High school is just a stepping-stone to our next journey.  We will learn how be independent and the work that we often complain about (the one we always wait till the last minute to do) will get us ready for what is to come. Some of us are already counting down the days till graduation but once we graduate we have to say goodbye to something that as been apart of lives for so long.  We are saying goodbye to our friends, teachers, and Mayfair (no matter how much we say we won’t miss it when we leave).  So we should take in this feeling.  For we will never have friends like the ones we had in high school or teachers, or so many special moments that will forever live in our memories.

Four Years Down and Many More to Go

       It's very hard to believe that senior year is finally here! It seems as if just yesterday I was running to class so that I wouldn't be late . Now when I see middle school kids running to class I laugh and think "wow that used to be me". These four years literally flew by, way faster than I expected. Now that the end of Highschool is rapidly appproaching , I regret not making the most of my Highschool years . I cheered 2 of 4 years but I wish I was way more involved . I always wanted to join ASB but I never got around to it . I never went to homecoming or any other dances . I definitely wish I would've tried harder academically . If I could change a few things from my experience in Highschool I would but I can't so I guess I'm better off starting fresh in college . Everything that I wish I had or hadn't done in Highschool , I'm going to make sure I do or don't do in college . From what I hear, college will be pretty different from Highschool and as far as I'm concerned , I'm ready for the change ! I'm ready to start my new journey so I can get started with this life I have set in mind for my family and I . I have very high goals that I can't wait to achieve . I feel like Highschool was just a pop quiz for reality . Those four years were just preparation and schooling for me to eventually step out into the "big world" which in the next few years will be college . After college , then comes reality . Hopefully after college I will be set and ready for reality . With all this being said , I'm very happy and proud to have attended Mayfair Highschool . I can't wait for the day to be here where I can finally say "I'm officially a Mayfair alumni " . I will forever apply all the lessons I learned at Mayfair to my everyday life.

Monday, October 19, 2015

My Worst Enemy

                Looking back on my middle/high school experience so far, I’ve come to realize that despite the countless things that have changed over the past couple of years, there’s one thing in my life that has somehow remained constant: my procrastinating ways. I know for a fact that I developed this bad habit in middle school since it was then that I had to learn to prioritize some work over others because of the advanced classes that I was taking. I mostly prioritized my work based on their deadlines, and this wasn’t really a bad thing since I’m pretty sure that’s how everyone prioritizes their work. The problems, however, came when I started to just do whatever task is due the next day and didn't bother to work ahead on tasks due at a later date. Eventually, I began to put off more work until the last minute and I kept telling myself that I do it because “I work better under pressure.” Really it was just laziness and lack of motivation.

I’ve spent so much all-nighters trying to get done projects that I’ve had weeks to do and I always do great in them because the added stress of the coming deadline just motivated me to work harder, faster, and better. I’d always spend my weekends trying to forget about homework then freaking out Sunday evening because I had so much to do, then I’d tell myself it would be the last time I’d procrastinate but come the next weekend, I just do the same thing all over again. To me, the weekend is for relaxing after such a hard, stressful week and I’d always hate it when teachers would assign a ridiculous amount of homework for the weekend like they WANT us to suffer and not have a life (Mr. Nguyen).

Basically, I procrastinate on everything and is the reason why I’m sitting here, typing this on the last hour of my birthday and why I only got two hours of sleep last night which caused me to feel like a zombie today. It’s senior year and I really want to get this right. My goal is to finally break my procrastinating habit even though I’m obviously not doing very well in reaching that at the moment, but it’s hard to get anything done ahead of time when you’re drowning in school work and extracurricular activities. I do know that the first step is to find motivation to do work ahead of time and using whatever free time I have to get things done rather than just sit and watch T.V. I have to really work on my time management, and if any of you have advice, I’d greatly appreciate them.

Mary Muro

Our Maker

High school, it was such a simple thing to think about when I was young and naive. Coming into high school as a freshman I thought i had the world figured out. However, it wasn't at all that way. as most kids do I didn't listen to my parents; they always told me what would happen if I did this or that, but the child I was I didn't listen. High school, as much as we all say we don't like it, that we just cant't wait to get out, has made us who we are and through all the girls and boys, the all nighters to finish that project that's due tomorrow and the lose and gains of friends, high school has made us. We can't deny that even though it may have sucked, it has helped us in more ways than we care to count. It's only now the I see high school was only a pin prick in the life we are going to have through all he hurt, necessary barriers have been made, all the good times lets us know what to look for in the future. Every heart break, every mistake, every math test we have bombed, has helped prepare us for whats to come. Suck it up and put your life first and don't waste all the training you've endured to get you where you are, I'm not. High school, its a stepping stone for the mountain we are all bout to climb.

Never Forget Our Mistakes

The journey doesn't start at the beginning, it begins at the end.   That's a commencement is all about right?   To be able to start over a new territory and meet new people.   As we get into college we are going to start to make new memories and forget about the ones that we have left behind.  But those memories are the ones that shaped us to be who we are today. The precious memories of high school. We always told to keep the good memories and forget the mistakes.   But how can we learn from our mistakes if you're trying to push them away.  Failure is the best way to lead to success. Which is one reason why we should never forget about our mistakes. Neil Gaiman says,"To make mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody has ever made before. Don't freeze. Don't stop. Don't worry about if it isn't good enough." As an athlete I faced many different challenges. We are told not to dwell on the past because all it does is Carey negative energy. We have seven seconds to forget about our mistake. But what justice is that doing to me. I'm trying to forget something when I should be learning from it.   Our bad memories shouldn't be carrying negative effect on us.  Learn from those bad memories in order to make good ones. Seniors as we move on to college, never forget the memories or mistakes you have made during high school.

Make The Most Out Of Life, Hellish As It May Be

What is life? A question asked by many people, and sometimes even by those who have found a purpose in life. Well, the answer vary from one person to another. To me, I like to compare life to the ocean waves that brushes, and at the same time, smashes its body against the glistening shores as they dance along the breezing wind. The way I see it, problems, errors, and mistakes will never cease to exist in life. Each wave comes after another. Just when we think we are finished dealing with one, another appears. However, after each wave smashes against the shores, they become smoother, firmer, and in a sense, stronger. Each problem, or mistake we've ever made or encountered paves our road smoother. While problems and mistakes can have negative impact on our lives, we won't know for sure until we try. It is the same as how I come to discover this analogy. I was at a beach party. Everyone was having fun with their friends. A loner I am, I decided to sit alone and stare at the never ending ocean while contemplating over my life and brooding over my tedious existence instead of joining the others. Only if I were to join in and try to make the best out of it, I could have made some friends, had a great time, and perhaps learn something valuable, or I would have come to taste what could be the most embarrassing experience that could traumatise me for the rest of my life. But now I wouldn't know because I decided not to join, and I will die regretting this moment and cussing at myself for not trying.

In order to live, you need to learn how to take chances. Life is filled with possibilities and life itself is a possibility. There could have been a possibility that your mother could not have conceived you. There is a possibility that you may get into an accident right when you step out of the school ground. There is a possibility that you will fall off the stage during your graduation ceremony, and die of either a broken neck or embarrassment. You know every action you take has a possibility that can lead you to your failure, or death, yet you still take it. Why? Why do you still do it? That is because you want it, and you are determined to accomplish it. So, why stop now? I implore you, my fellow seniors, to continue living a life filled with wonders, mistakes, failures and excitement rather than living one that is filled with regrets.


I remember looking through the airplane’s window, getting lost in my mind. I was lost in deep confusion about the changes in my life. I thought to myself this is it. This is the new inevitable life. Yesterday I was still having a conversation with my friends and eating dinner with my cousins. All that turned into a memory.
            Moving to a new country introduced many great challenges into my life. Whether it was learning new language or making new friends, I faced it all. There were so many things that were going on in my life and my mind. Yet I felt empty. Days and years passed by, yet I was still missing something.
            Without really expecting it, high school came by quicker than lightning. First year of high school wasn’t golden; in fact, it was a mess. But like a rainbow that comes after a heavy rain, things got better and better. By sophomore year, I was introduced to many new experiences such as clubs, sports, and friends.     
 Meeting new people with such great passions to pursue what they love was definitely an eye opening experience for me. Since I was a child, people often asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. Of course, as a child, I had no clue on what my answer would be. When high school came, I had many opportunities to learn new things and absorb different points of view. What came with it was something that I was looking for to fill my emptiness. What I was looking for was a simple word that I’ve heard many times. That word was purpose.

            Spending time with such passionate people made me realize that we should find the purpose of our lives. Every moment that I spent sharing my purpose with others slowly fulfilled the emptiness that I had. It brought happiness through tears of joy and laughter. For every moment that I spend following the purpose I believe in, I’m living an experience that will always be in my memory. I don’t want to pretend to be someone I am not and follow other people’s beliefs. I want to live the life that I will remember. So should you. 

The Unexpected Ride

We all know that roller coasters have so many twists, turns, and loopty loops. We do not know what is coming up next at such high speeds. Honestly that's how high school is. I expected high school to be a certain way but honestly now looking back I was all wrong. Now that high school is quickly coming to a close I realized the turns and ups and downs made me who I am. Freshman year was just here like it was yesterday. I was scared for my life. Started with a certain group of friends and did not know what to do. I thought this was going to be the hardest moment of my life. But now senior year is here. I do not have the same friends I did three years ago and I am happy where I am. I realized I was stressing myself out to a new level. I am trying to grasp every moment in high school. Graduation is quickly approaching and before we all know it, we will be on our own. I know I will look back at high school and see the obstacles I had to face and how I over come them. It made me the strong person I am.
Writing this Commencement Speech will help me get my ideas of high school and life in my own words. I will be able to address my senior class on my experiences. On graduation day we will celebrate that days we left behind and move on to the adult life. As life continues on we will be able to give the little advice we have in this speech. I want to express to my class that we must live life to the fullest. We only have one life and there are no re dos.
Now that a deadline lies ahead, we need to figure out what we want in life. I know I have a plan but not everyone does. High school has started us out on the right track but now it is our turn to take the next step and grab what life throws at us.

Mercedes Padilla

Commencement speech thoughts..

After reading and listening to a variety of commencement speeches.  It reminded me of the first time I went to a graduation with a commencement  speech. I was a sophomore and it was for my uncle's graduation from la Verne University.  I don't really  recall to much of the speech all I know it was from an astronaut that grew up with literally nothing. His parents were immigrant farm workers that constantly had to move because of the changing fruit and vegetable season. Despite this flaw his parents managed to support him in school and he became an astonaut even though he had no one to look up to. That speech along with the other comencement speeches we have read now have a new  meaning to me.
At first I didn't care to much about them especially the one from sophomore year because I had not realized the importance of school. I bet most people now have new meaning about school and are actually inspired by these speeches. I know I'm inspired now because they each have a strong message  and moral we can learn from. These commencement speeches can now be my favorite part about a graduation just because of their message and purpose .
                                                       NEW BEGINNINGS

        The first day  of high school was better than what I imagined in my head. I thought people were

going to be bullied for their lunch money and getting wedgies from left to right. Disclaimer I watch a

lot of movies. Instead I saw that unlike middle school there were a lot more cliques and gossip. You

had all these different groups everywhere and i guess you can say that those cliques were the heart of

high school. Now you have to find your niche, somewhere where you fit in. You have an abundant

amount of options. Myself personally picked the basketball players because that was where i fit in. I

played basketball I knew a lot about the sport. You could say I found my squad and they would be my

squad indefinitely. That has been  proven to be right so far. I know  a huge  thing
in high school or just in life in general, friends will come and friends will go. I have always been  

kind of afraid of that  ever happening to me , not because I didn't want to be lonely at lunch or

anything like that. First off, I am a very awkward person so if this person that I'm no longer friends

with is say my lab partner I would be the most awkward and uncomfortable person in the universe.

I'm just weird like that I guess I would start stuttering and just be very weird.

     Furthermore, my high school experience has been amazing, these past 4 years have allowed me to

make a lot of friends, learn life lessons, and learn about my self . When I look back on my high

school memories I will look back on the bonding and sharing from my teammates and I . All the

never ending laughs, and all the practical jokes. Teamates are an understatement they are my sisters

and blood couldn't make us more of a family.

      Moreover, high school is a very big part of any individuals  life whether you finished high school,

didn't finished high school, whether you hated it or absolutely loved every aspect about it. High

school will always draw back memories that are stored in the back of your head because high school

is where you essentially started to get to know yourself and started transitioning into a young adult.

      Finally, I'm so thankful for making the mistakes that I made in high school because that says that

I'm learning and I'm figuring life out one mistake at a time and that's allowing to  me grow as an

individual and potentially getting me ready for the GREAT BIG WORLD.


A new beginning

With the many people now posting and conversing on the subject of the commencement speech I can now see and understand more about how I can write mine an how I can improve my own writing in general. Also with the help of Elbow's book I know more types of writing and different strategies to how I can get my writing to be the best it can be. Our many experiences continue to feed us knowledge and prepare us for the future. We must all think about our time in high school and remember our many achievements as well as our many mistakes. We learn from our mistakes and it I okay because when you really think about it this really is a new beginning for us all.


Due to the recent weeks of watching, learning, and creating commencement addresses I have begun to find myself doing something I haven't ever done, reflecting about high school.  Now I don't know if the commencement addresses and my reflection have a correlation between them or if it's merely because I'm a senior and it's basically all over with, but either way I'm beginning to enjoy the revelations I've made about the past four years whether they be obscure or already obvious to everyone.

Whether we were conscientious of it or not, high school has taught us to be ever ready for changes to occur. Many people feel as though they don't handle or adapt to change well despite the fact that they go through it on a daily basis without even knowing.  If you're one of the people that have the same core group of friends as they did in middle school, kudos to you because that is a rare and beautiful occurrence.  However I'm sure many people may have gone through something similar to me.  In middle school I believed that the friends I had would remain the same through high school, and that my bestfriend and I would be bestfriends forever.  Now as a senior, my bestfriends are people that I didn't even speak to or sometimes even know existed during middle school, and people I thought I would be friends forever with are limited to "hello's" in the hallways.  What this has taught me is to embrace change and open up yourself to change, because at the end of the day it is inevitable, so why fight it.  Without change I wouldn't have met the bestfriends that I love and cherish and who have taught me things that I don't think I could've learned as well without. 

Similarly, before middle school I thought I was going to play baseball and maybe soccer throughout high school, and once I reached middle school I thought I was only going to play soccer. Now I'm a senior and I'm varsity for two sports that I hardly knew existed prior to high school.  That truly amazes me because in all of those stages of my life I thought I had my sport situation figured out and I ended up completely different.  This has also taught me to accept change and go with the flow because if I wasn't open to new things I never would've realized that despite everything horrible about it, I love running.  With that I'm hopeful that despite I may feel as though I have everything in my future figured out, since I am open to change I will open myself to new and possibly better opportunities.  Remember to go about your life ready for something better.

Sebastian Rogers

Tangled Messes

     I've skimmed though quite a few of the class blog posts only to find the scheme of it all centered around the idea of reflecting on our High School careers. The thing that makes senior year so unique, is that it's the last stretch. It's the point where you get to turn your head back and observe this timeline, created by none other than ourselves, the individuals. Many timelines may cross one another, and to possibly sit and consider everybody's timeline, you may end up with a huge tangled mess. You can't fix the tangled mess, time only understands linear motion, there's no turning back.
     The only way to cope with the tangled mess is to continue moving forward. Everyone can agree senior year and this act of looking back is the big pay off, and for some it is; However, I see it as the opportunity to look ahead. Although, there's nothing ahead. The vast empty void of the unknown and endless possibilities can be scary. The liberties after High School are great, and the open world awaits. We are going to take full control of where our timelines go, and we are going to continue to create tangled messes, and some will even create the same timeline together.
      If there is one thing I ever learned from listening to wise (old) people repeat the same story for the tenth time, it's that you will regret decisions, chances, and risks you never took in life. So I hope that no one falls into a cookie cutter of a life. Some generic, basic template of what was expected of you. It would be nice to know everyone is going to seize every opportunity, and do something with it. Anything. When we're all wise people and can finally sit down and reflect on a more broad timeline, at least my wish, is to be able to say "I regret nothing".

The Highschool after party called life

after highschool what do you want to do? community college, university, workforce or armed forces? its all the same thing in reality. you have to pay for your own stuff, keep your self in check and make sure you do what you need to do to keep a roof over your head and food on your table. every day i hear people at school saying it so hard being in high school and there is too much work and not enough fun but these are the best and easiest years of your life. after you throw your cap on graduation  day you are forever changed.  have fun in high school while it lasts and dont complain next year about how you miss high school and how it was so much easier than the real world...we all know.  even though getting up to go to class is hard and balancing personal, social and school life together from 3 pm to 10pm and still fit time to do things with our families is really close to impossible, a year from now its not any easier. it might be harder.  so before you say bad stuff about the staff (except Colln) just remember;
 ". . . You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back;
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast;
These are some good times;
So take a good look around;
You may not know it now;
But you're gonna miss this . . ."
(You're gonna miss this- Trace Adkins)
blogging is weird. :/