Monday, March 28, 2016


Grass fed cows are great
Corn fed cows aren’t
And I’m not just talking about taste
The cows that eat grass are less prone to disease
The cows that eat corn are more prone to disease
The cows that eat grass walk to the food and eat it where it grows
The cows that eat corn have to wait while the corn grows, is harvested, then transported to the cattle lots (which uses fuel)
The cows that eat grass fertilize the lots where the corn grows
The cows that eat corn how to sit in their own manure while other fertilizers are used to grow the corn that they have to wait to eat
The whole process is whack
But of course
This process brings money to the corporations that control all of the corn
And since corn makes cows fatter faster the businessmen are all too willing to also accept the diseases and other issues that corn brings to cows
And since the meat industry is now entirely reliant on corn
The corn industry is holding the meat industry by the orbs



  1. I know you aren't done yet but I get where you are coming from. The answer to the dieases and process seems so simple, yet producers don't think that way. They want the quickest way to produce and make money compared to the most beneficial way that may be a little more time consuming. The corn and cow industry feed off each other and until that stops I believe we will always have this problem. The cows need to be fed grass like how they are suppose to and not other things that cause more harm than good.

  2. It's unfortunate how people are being exploited and screwed over by their own government, isn't it? The corn industry has a hold on congress and powerful organizations that is nearly insurmountable. Key word: nearly. Although facts and research on the effects of corn on animals and humans is out there, there is no group or significant public campaign (that I'm aware of) that is promoting this knowledge or real change. In order to make real change, this knowledge, anger, and movement needs to become mainstream.

    I know that you're fully aware of the ins and outs on this topic, but I'm more interested in your proposed solutions. Are they leaning more towards the politics aspect, or something else? I'm all ears!

    1. If you think back to my previous blog post, you'll see that I am already thinking of ways to bring about change...
      In the form of ECOTERRORISM. Yeah. I wasn't really kidding about that.
      I believe the only way to make people realize that corn has infected almost EVERY SINGLE IMPORTANT INDUSTRY is to REMOVE literally ALL CORN from American soil.
      It seems pretty harsh, but danger sparks change.
