Friday, March 4, 2016

WOOF - World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms
           I have always been fascinated with cooking and using fresh ingredients, I've even made my parents take me to the Farmers Market whenever I get a chance to prevent eating foods with GMOs, but this as we now is costly and can take the drive out of most people to eat organic. I never knew about the politics of this or how to help out farmers who are struggling with these powerful companies, and I felt truly inspired on monday when we got to her Madeline talk about WOOF. WOOF is a worldwide  organization which allows people to volunteer on farms and through that people can learn about the organic lifestyles. As Madeline was talking about her experience with WOOF I immediately wanted to do this and I plan on doing so. We need to help our small farms and do things to improve the way our food is made. Let me know if you found WOOF awesome like me !

1 comment:

  1. That's cool that you feel strongly about this
    I think that by appealing to young people like us WWOOF will achieve a lot of success and more followers
    There are actually a lot of young people that are sick of the current food system
    I'd like to think of myself as one of those people, but not enough to WWOOF
    Word of advice
    Before you WWOOF, plant a small-medium vegetable garden
    Ask your friends if they want to help out with it
    You might be able to pull more friends into going through WWOOF with you
    Friends gardening
    That would be subarashii, ne?
