Hear me out
Some of my deskmates game me the idea of becoming an eco-terrorist
So I was thinking that maybe I coul-
You don't know what eco-terrorists are?
keep up
Join me in a thought experiment
This may or may not tie in to my research question, "What are the effects of Govt. corn subsidies on economy and ecology"
What if I became an eco-terrorist
My crew and I would target Monsanto-controlled fields and meat farms
Especially corn fields
If the government knew we were out there attacking the corn farms
Would they continue to sink money into corn subsidies?
Or would the government try to protect the stale corn status quo?
How would the government respond to a crisis in the meat industry?
If our group demanded the companies to do the right thing and treat animals properly and stOP FEEDING THE COWS CORN, would the government give in?
Probably not
Murica doesn't negotiate with terrorists
Especially not if they're telling them to do the right thing
I dunno
Comments pls
Talk to me in person about it pls
This is actually a good point for debate
"If terrorists promote what should've been a morally sound cause, will the government be forced to oppose it, even if it is clearly the right thing to do?"
I really don't know what I'm doing at this point
It's like 00:19 rn
But really tho
Bring this up at school
If we was to stop feeding cows corn, would there be a abundance of corn products like cereal, dog and cat food, and batteries with out the cows eating the cereal? You would had partially made an impact on world hunger