Tuesday, March 15, 2016

In the midst of my research, I became more aware of my eating habits and how it has changed. Knowing that most of our food is genetically modified or even bathed in pesticides, I decided to take a different approach and experiment myself. I started to cook with the plants that my grandmother grows in our backyard and didn’t realize how much time and care goes into food. It’s crazy how we can walk into the grocery store at our own convenience. I never really realized how easy we have it especially when it comes down to food. I felt like I was getting in touch with my humanity, learning to nurture a plant for consumption. Although it does require lots of work to grow your own food, I learned to appreciate the beauty behind it. Unfortunately in the end, the food industry will continue with their ways in production and that is something we can't really help. I mean I know that all of us can make a difference but at the rate that it's now, I don't see a dramatic change.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Reading this made me want to start learning how to cook with food I can grow myself. My eating habits haven't changed at all since this unit has started. And I agree with you that we can make a change in the system if we tried, but that's if this subject is more widely talked about.
