Friday, March 4, 2016


      It seems to me that so many people have been on this health trend and grocery stores are introducing food products that are “vegan, free of pesticides, and doesn’t contain other additives” I think it it’s all false to a certain extent. So many marketers are out there seeking a profit and demand cheap labor. So the next time you go to the grocery store, and notice that that's there's certified labels on the item, it may contain so many other chemicals to sub out the unwanted culture.
    In my opinion, I believe that you should grow your own produce if you want to legit live the “organic” life. (That is, if you don't spay your own fertilizer on it!) I actually have a garden where my family grows our own produce and it's honestly so effective and efficient. It makes me conscious of what I put in my body and it makes you get in touch with your humanity.


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