Monday, March 14, 2016

Let's Be Real

 Yes, we've now become somewhat educated about the importance of food and how it affects us in our everyday lives. But let's be real, most of us are agreeing saying it's a bad thing, but yet are still eating processed food anyways. We know we don't really control the food we consume most of the time because we aren't the ones buying groceries all the time at home. There's always going to be that one chicken in the freezer that we'll never know where it came from. We don't choose to say no to these foods because it's what we've been used to eating in order to survive. We never realized how much of an impact these processed foods have made to the decisions we have to make when eating. My cabinets at home probably contain at least 90% of processed foods and to me is a shame. I've tried eating organic before but started realizing how much it hurt my family's pocket and ended up stopping. Hopeless is what I feel of organic foods and the way food sources are being made is only going to worsen in the future. Not only is food going to be fake, but something we might be disconnected from if we don't change the factory methods. Food is something that should be valued but instead is being abused and treated as a product. We as consumers can start a small change only by starting our own gardens and start growing connected to where food sources are being raised or grown. It's something small but it's better then doing nothing at all.


  1. I completely agree with you. I do not grocery shop my parents do so it is hard to control what food comes in to my house or whats on the menu for dinner. I pretty much eat that ever is on the table whether it is chicken from the freezer or fast food because we didn't have time to cook, but it is up to us to change the system. I am going to start going a mini garden just to see how much food I can produce and if i can sustain growing a small amount of my own food.

    1. Having a garden isn't actually that bad. I remember a couple years ago we had a variety of vegetables and even mint because of my mom. It was fun because we all would be out and picking out tomatoes and even mini apples and it was a way our family would connect with our food and how the different plants reacted to the seasons. It gave me many memories I won't ever forget.
