Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Things we are oblivious to


    As I was researching for a topic to write about for the blog I came across this video.  As if the articles and documentaries we have read and watched in class wasn't enough this truly shocks me. Our food industries is getting out of hand and the FDA allows it.
    For example, I knew we used different pesticides to protect our food I just never knew what some of it actually contained. I never thought of doing the research to be honest because food just appears in fridge or pantry from off the shelf of the grocery store.  This video brought to my attention some of the harmful things the the pesticides actually contain.  The pesticide for cabbage contains scorpion poison and the FDA approves that.  Can you believe that?
    Another thing that I learned from this video is animals that eat GMO foods are more likely to get cancer.  Now if that happens to animals, are we more likely to get cancer from eating genetically modified food?  These are the questions we need to be asking before we consume this food.
    Lastly GMO are hard to contain. GMO are in 70% of our food and sometimes it is not even listed in them. When it comes to seeds it's impossible to control because of cross pollination.  At this point if the GMO seeds have long term health effects we have no way of stopping them. On top of that, since we have increased the use of GMO the allergies in kids have doubled along with it.
    Overall, we need to start to ask questions about the things our bodies are consuming compared to being oblivious. The food industry is getting out of hand and it's the consumers job to fix it.


  1. I find it really crazy how we thought what we were eating was ok but we never actually thought hmm where did this food that im eating come from. It just something crazy that I didnt know was inside our food and I to would like to know where it comes from because i wouldnt want to be eating something unsanitary. our lives matter and what we eat does to.

  2. I find it really crazy how we thought what we were eating was ok but we never actually thought hmm where did this food that im eating come from. It just something crazy that I didnt know was inside our food and I to would like to know where it comes from because i wouldnt want to be eating something unsanitary. our lives matter and what we eat does to.

  3. I agree, sometimes it makes me think just how ignorant we all are as we are consuming food that is placed in front of us without questioning where it first has been and how it was brought up to this world. I believe we should individually look more into how our food is produced and how it is then processed. On another note, while GMO has its down side I still believe that it is too beneficial for our society to get rid all of it at once. How do you think we are going to feed humanity with normal crops that yield less result than GMO crops? Moreover, without GMO crops, farmers will have to turn more pesticides which are filled with harmful chemicals that probably do more damage than GMO does.
