Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Ticking Time Bomb

When this research began, I had no idea where it would end up. I did not think I would have learned in depth about how food is produced and processed. We have heard about the diseases people receive and how food is packed with chemicals and drugs to make them taste and look good to the eye. For me personally, I have been eating all kinds of food that people think is processed and "unhealthy" but I am very healthy life with no sicknesses or diseases. Knock on wood that doesn't happen now but I am perfectly fine. My question that I have is that, will all these chemicals and antibiotics going into our food eventually take a toll on our bodies and kill us? From the movie that we watched in class a young boy died from meat from a factories. I understand people can end up killing themselves by eating very poorly but one day will someone die because of the preservatives and chemicals in the food? I really hope it does not come back around and bite me in the butt. I want to be able to eat what ever it is and enjoy it without the worries of the behind the scenes with the food.  


  1. I agree . I like eating whatever I want . I never think to worry about what is in my food . I hope that in the future , it does not take a toll on our bodies because that'll be one more thing I have to worry about .

  2. I came across the same question when I was finding resources for the research paper. I eat whatever I want too and as far as I know I'm fine but with the stories I've heard it will catch up to us in the future. I hope it doesn't but we will have to do our part to make sure we don't harm our bodies.
