Friday, March 4, 2016

What Do You Think?

My first research question was scrapped because I figured out I could not find enough research on it to write a five to six page research paper. However, I thought I could use it for our blog assignment. The question I formulated was "In the food industry, do animals deserve to be treated in the same manner as a pet?". I my view, I believe animals, that we will eventually eat do not necessarily need the attention and care that a house animal would receive. I say this because the animals on a farm already have a short life span and the purpose of their life to produce food for our fast growing population. I heard a story of how the cows in Japan, that a farmed for Kobe Beef, are groomed daily and basically treated as royalty. I have no objection to the way the cows are treated in Japan but I do not think we can go through the same process in America. Reason being, Japan's population is no where near the size of America's, so they can spend the time grooming their cattle and feeding them grass. On the other hand, we can not afford to groom our cows and chickens because if we do our food production, in the meat industry, will not keep up with our population growth. I do not want our animals to be treated bad and I do not believe in animal cruelty but if we want our country to continue to prosper I think we should continue on with our unfortunate process of our food industry.

1 comment:

  1. Ok first of all
    Kobe beef cows are treated like that for a reason
    That beef will melt in your mouth like no one's business
    That treatment leads to taste, and that taste leads to cost
    Last time I had Kobe beef with the fam it cost ≈$150/lb
    The sheer amount of profit allows the farmers to give the cows this treatment
    Kobe cow treatment has nothing to do with population
    The reason America treats its beef so badly is so that it can raise the most meat for the lowest price and for the least time possible
    There's no time for those cows to be washed or to meander around a field nomming grass as it pleases
    The faster they fatten the cow the more money they save (they being "the man")
    As for the taste, well, frankly, most of America doesn't give a damn
    They see a sale at Safeway, they're grabbing it
    It's all about cost in Murica
