Saturday, April 2, 2016

Politics of Food Blog - Third Course

  • How has your mindset changed about our country? About what you eat? About your consciousness?
  • If you could go back 4 years with this knowledge of the food industry, would you change anything about your life?
  • Innovator: what would you do to change or influence the food industry in any way? Write a proposal.
As usual your posts must be 250-300 words. Your comments can be in response to your peers' post for this or any other posts for this unit. Ideally, I'd like that you try to offer feedback to others on their research focus, but anything will do!

Due by Tuesday, April 5th (6:00 pm)  - 1 post, 3 comments 

(FYI: You will not receive ANY credit for this blog assignment if you write all of your comments after April 3rd. In other words, spread it out over the next 16 days.)

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