Monday, March 14, 2016

Will you join me?

Hello everyone. My blog question is, how does monoculture crop production affect the environment and plant genetic diversity.  Sounds like a lot right?  So basically I am probably going to wait till Wednesday night to write this paper like many of you guys because it seems like a horrible time and I like to procrastinate. As I researched this question I found many interesting yet repetitive things.  One of the issues that was addressed the most is how we all contribute to the system.  How many of us grow some our own food? I'm guessing not a lot. Now I am not saying grow a whole dang farm that you have to live off of, but try growing a tomato plant or another vegetable your family eats a lot of.  Now I know you guys are all thinking how can a few tomatoes that I grow can change the system right? Well it's true your hand full of tomatoes may not affect the system that much but if many people did this then it would. We do have the power to change the system it is just whether we want to or not.  I have taken a lot of interest in this unit, so much that I have even decided that I am going to start my own mini garden.  It took some time and a lot of planning but I have finally figured things out.  My backyard does not have the space but my grandmothers does and she was very nice and said I could use her back yard for this mini project of mine. I am taking a stand and trying not to contribute to the system as much, so my question is will you?  It may not last long but it is worth a try.  Wish me luck, and I hope you guys join me!


  1. Jenna I really think that's awesome that your growing your own garden. I hope it all goes well and maybe even pass your techniques down and inspire others to do the same.

  2. I am with you on this Jenna that not a lot of people grow there own garden and it would change the system if people would grow there own gardens. It would be a lot healthier and much better for us because it would make us feel better and helthier.

    1. I will let you know once things start growing if it makes me feel any different

  3. I currently have a garden I care for, but we grow roses and other small flowers. I think I can handle some form of fruit or veggie. I had a family member who managed to sustain themself by growing grapes (seasonal) tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, strawberries, and had a massive avacado tree!
    Maybe I'll grow some potatoes.

    1. That's great! I actually have a huge avocado tree as well. Also, I am thinking of growing potatoes too.

  4. First of all congrats on making a garden, that's great what are you doing. But im gonna oppose that because what about the money that goes to the government and pays the debt that we, the people of this country are in? Where will the money go?
