Friday, March 4, 2016

The Sad Truth

Our food industry system is based on dollar bills, how many dollar bills can I get in the quickest amount of time. It's equivalent to playing a competitive cif basketball game, you'll do whatever it costs to win.The people behind the food industry business could care less about the well being of their fellow Americans,thus they put harmful chemicals and pesticides in our foods and have an it's for the greater good type of attitude. I understand that all the additives and preservatives in our food are there to protect us against outside forces such as bugs and small rodents, but when all those chemicals are causing cancer and could potentially kill us is when it becomes a huge problem that needs to be dealt with.I believe that instead of the FDA just letting everything continue on and on over the years, they should start regulating and correcting these ridiculous processes and imputing new ways of mass production in a much healthier and sustainable fashion. As a result, we as a people will benefit,live life, and thrive.

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