Tuesday, April 5, 2016

From Bad to Good Choices

This unit has definitely made me change my eating habits. Before we had started Politics of Food, I was had already knew that the food we consume from fast food places were bad and how food from food industries can be unsanitary. The basics of it. It didn't bother me so much, I would still eat cheeseburgers and all sorts of junk food quite often actually (which is no bueno). Now that we're at the end, it has changed me and the way I would eat. The Food Inc. video was kind of what caused me to change. Just watching how the meat and chickens were prepared and the story about the little boy who died just from eating a burger made me feel a little sick. From that point on I've just gave up on eating meat. I've been choosing to eat more things like fruits and vegetables. It's been a couple weeks but I feel like I have more energy to do things now than I did before. I've talked to some of my friends who are vegetarians and they recommend that I should try it. I plan on trying it out sometime in the near future and hopefully it'll be something I'll enjoy.

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