Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Road to Becoming Vegetarian

This entire unit of food politics was very eye opening for me. Before learning about how unsanitary and harmful our food system is, i would eat any and everything that was given to me on a plate. Although i had some idea of how bad it was, i still ate these foods because of how naive i was to it. Now, i'm glad to say that i haven't eaten any beef or by product of it in over a month now. With chicken it's a different story. Haha, it's hard but i'm almost there by giving up chicken completetly. Anyways i've figured that for me, for my health, and for our planets health that it is better to become a vegetarian. However, just because i'm following this path doesn't mean you all have to. I advise and recommend you should, but i am not going to force you or tell you you need to. Mostly because we are all old enough to decide what we should or shouldn't put in our bodies. In all, what i learned was that the process and distribution of meat is causing so much more than just severe cases of E. Coli in the U.S. and becoming a vegetarian is just one way to help make our planet a healthier. I know i usually say i'm glad we did certain units in this class, but this one goes right up there with our personal statement unit. I'm grateful for the information and knowledge i gained from this unit.


  1. This unit has made me consider becoming vegetarian. I'm slowly starting to give up eating meat and chicken and eating more fruits & vegetables. I've just started doing this but I have noticed how much healthier I feel than before. I would recommend trying it because it really does help improve your health and can better the environment.

  2. First, congratulation on reaching your goal. I know I wouldn't be able to give up meat even if I want to. I think it's good that you're considering about your health now. Do you feel any different for the past couple weeks? Which problem about the food industries prompted you to stop eating meat? Do you think there's a way to fix it? If you could change the industry, what would you like to change about it? This is a lot of questions, but I would appreciate it if you can give me a short response.

  3. Thank you kumpol! Lol i actually do feel a lot different now. My health is a lot better, im more energized, my proportions for eating have gotten smaller, i've lost some weight, i don't feel as sluggish or lazy, and i feel i can concentrate/focus a lot more now. I think just seeing how the meat industry contributes to greenhouse gases, starvation, deforestation, and so much more made me realize that it's honestly not worth eating a burger for that cause. I think that if we were all to cut back on meat mainly, a lot could change in our environment. I know people wouldn't be able to go full vegetarian, but i think lowering the demand for it would help as well.

  4. I wish you luck Izzy. It is great that you are considering a change, especially a difficult one. I do not think I could ever give up meat haha but seeing someone do what I can not is pretty cool.

  5. I think it is cool how you are actually making a change and eating healthier, while reading this unit I know we have all thought about changing our eating habits but we often don't due to time and money. I don't think I could fully go vegetarian but after hearing your experience I want to give it a try.

  6. First of all, HOW DO YOU GIVE UP ON MEAT? Congratulations on achieving your goals. I would never be able to become a vegetarian in a million years. No matter how much I know how bad the food I'm putting in my mouth is, I still can't stop myself. What is your biggest motivation in doing this?

  7. Wow that's amazing Izzy. I couldn't imagine myself going without meat, although it would be interesting how long i could last🤔😂. But good luck on your newfound journey and I wish the best!!

  8. I agree with what you had said and congrats on your goal of not eating meat.
