Sunday, April 3, 2016


Third course
I'm doing the innovator prompt
What if
We stopped giving out corn subsidies
Which would force corn producers to increase the price of their crop
Which would force the meat industry to hand out more money
Which could possibly make the meat industry rethink corn
The key to making more people do the right thing is to also make the easiest thing to do
If we made it cheaper (alternatively, making everything else relatively more expensive) for corporations to feed cows grass, they'd be feeding cows all the grass they could eat
By providing subsidies to corn farmers, our government is enabling corporations to spread inhumane practices and disease throughout the country


Take away subsidies, corn becomes more expensive, and the percentage of grass-fed beef in supermarkets will rise
That's the theory, anyway
But how am I supposed to know what would happen


  1. I think that you plan might work; however, there are many things to consider. Meat industry use corn instead of grass not only because it's cheaper, but it makes the animal grow larger as well. Even if the price of the corn increases, the industry might continue to use corn because the amount of meat that they get from corn-fed animals is larger than the grass-fed animals. Furthermore, changing from corn-fed to grass-fed is better for the consumers' health, but it will hurt their pocket. The increasing cost of the production would cost a ripple effect that will increase the price of the product as well. These are just my opinion. How am I suppose to know what would happen? :)

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  3. Haha check out my sound cloud. The title had me dying right now. This is a good idea, but you just can't raise the price of corn to the food industry. I think it would be easier to get more people aware of whats going on. Like maybe starting a movement to stop feeding cows corn would be better.
