Sunday, April 3, 2016

Amending Our Food System

As we all can agree, the products of many food corporations are a concern considering the harmful effects it has on the health of consumers and the environment. Therefore, what would alleviate these concerns would be pushing for the government to get involved and to take action. Regulatory policies on food industries have not been enforced and government agencies like the FDA have allowed these industries to indulge themselves in their harmful practices. A shift toward more organic produce may also be difficult because popular organic foods could possibly be utilized and altered by food industries to make profits. Despite some objections to government regulation, it is needed at times to ensure a strong and stable nation. A problem with eating healthier comes down with cost; healthier food is more expensive. A solution would be to lower these prices, and raise the prices of industrial food products. In addition, we could tax industrialized food to promote better eating habits for consumers. With what I know about our current food economy, I have made small changes to the way I eat such as reducing my meals at fast food restuarants and the amount of food I put into my body. However, I still continue to consume food that is unhealthy; that is high in sugar and fat because I find it more cheap and efficient. However, I agree that a large change in my current diet would allow me to not only experience the joy of delicious food, but also feel physically and mentally stronger.


  1. I agree with you that more government action should be implemented in our food system. I actually wrote about that in my research paper too. I said that if the government once changed the food system with the Meat Inspection Act then they can try to do the same with our current food system.

  2. I agree with you that more government action should be implemented in our food system. I actually wrote about that in my research paper too. I said that if the government once changed the food system with the Meat Inspection Act then they can try to do the same with our current food system.

  3. Taureece, I agree that there should be more regulation in the food industry and promotion of organic and healthy foods in mainstream America. However, I do have concern over the logic of two of your proposed solutions. You said, "A problem with eating healthier comes down with cost; healthier food is more expensive. A solution would be to lower these prices, and raise the prices of industrial food products. In addition, we could tax industrialized food to promote better eating habits for consumers." The reason organic food is more expensive is because a substantial part of it isn't mechanized, not grown in masses, and receives no subsidies. On the other hand, industrialized food is cheap because its ingredients and chemicals are better fit for mass production and has no immediate expiration date. It's not possible to simply raise or lower the costs of them because that's what you think is right- it's their nature (processing, or lack thereof) that makes them more prone to lower or higher prices. Your other solution of taxing industrialized food is also flawed. Firstly, that would only make industrialized food more expensive and organic food, well, remain as equally expensive. We could hypothesize that the revenue from the taxes could be given as subsidies to organic food, but that would be impossible considering the amount of money being lobbied into the government by large food corporations. Secondly, it could, and very well be, an attack on the poor and middle class. You'd be making their one selection of food unaffordable and they'd suffer even more. Whether we like it or not, industrialized food is a big part of our economy and lives, and taxing it would only make problems worse.

    Your intentions are good, but you have to think about and analyze all of its monstrous unintended consequences.

  4. I like what you're saying taureece but i do agree with patti, i feel like taxing industrialized food could be a bit too much and cause an even bigger problem. But i do like where you're head is at and i do agree that the government should and needs to take more responsibility and action in our food system.

  5. I agree with you on the idea that the government should get more involved in our food system. The FDA should take matters seriously because whatever they allow food companies to do can have an affect on their consumers.

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  7. Thank you guys,I did not consider this, now I have a little more understanding. I put this solution in my paper at the end of a paragraph but left the idea hanging. I will most likely find another route instead haha

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