Tuesday, April 5, 2016

In our final days...

We are in our final days of this unit and I have say it feels pretty good to finally ending it. The unit that we have been working on has had its own set of interesting features and or different interesting ideas. The whole food politics subject has brought up some new thoughts that I probably never would have thought of on my own. Things like the use  of all these chemicals in our food have been brought up to the light metaphorically speaking. However, even though there are many difficulties in how we produce our food and how efficiently we produce our food, I  do feel as though I would continue in my ways of how I go about choosing and eating my food. Though these ideas contradict each other I do feel as if things need to be changed in order to better the future. The generations ahead of us are truly our future and we need to make sure that we leave things behind as best as possible. Even new beginnings come from previous examples as proven in our past from time to time.

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