Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Do You See What I See?

As we're slowly coming close to ending this unit I have learned a lot about food and many things I never thought I'd learn in this class. It's changed many aspects of how are country is being controlled by toxic factors that we've grown used to enjoying. They include factors like our countries food process, health(not only of the people), agriculture, and the knowledge everyone has about this specific topic in politics. Our country has been blinded by the pretty colors we see in our fridge and don't intend on trying to change their food lifestyle. I know most of us in the classroom won't either because we don't even know where to begin since college is around the corner and this is probably the least of our worries. But what I do know that's changed is the way we see our food now, and every time we go out to eat we'll always wonder where the meat or salad came from, and if it was bathed in chemicals we will never know. The knowledge I have now has changed my consciousness because now literally whenever I eat chicken I always go back to thinking about the way the chickens were killed in the video "Food Inc." and always picture them killing the chicken I had for dinner. I don't feel right anymore eating meats because of the way it disgusts me, but yet I still eat it because this is something not only I have to eat in order to survive. It gives me a guilty conscious sometimes and is the reason why I don't want to carry that lifestyle forever, and won't. Any change is better than no change at all.

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