Sunday, April 3, 2016


     I first learned about the truth behind the food industries back in my Freshmen year. Everything about it was so surprising to me because I thought that the government would do everything in their power to protect the citizens and they would strictly regulate the industries. The more I learned about this matter, the more I realized that money is the center of the solution, not the people. After learning about the production of food, one of my friend stop eating meat completely. However, I didn't change my way of eating. Even though my mind set toward the food industries did change, there was nothing that I can do. Most of the time, my parents did the grocery shopping and cooking. I would come home to a meal that was already prepared. Now, I started doing my own grocery shopping and cooking my own food. I continue to eat meat, but I would look for a loco product instead of the products that came from the large industries. Once in a while, I do buy the product from the large industries without realizing because it's cheap and easy to find. As a teenager, I don't have much saying on the origin of the product that I consume daily. I don't have to ability to go grocery for what I desired. Most of the time I buy food because it's cheap, and I would give me the energy that I need. That also applies to most people. With the way our society is operating, we choose to go with the easy way rather than the better way.

     In order for our government to change the way the food industries operate, it must enforce more strict regulations, and they must look past the money and overcome corruption. If I have the ability to regulate the food industries, I would enforce the following regulations.

  • Provide minimum wages for all workers.
  • Provide health benefit and accidental cost.
  • Make sure that the work environment is safe for the workers.
  • All workers must be eligible to work under the United States law.
  • Make sure that the process of producing food follows the standard safety and sanitary.
  • Must have a standard contract that would be beneficial not only to the industry but to farmers as well.
  • Must treat animal in an ethical way.
  • Animal products that are corn-fed must be labeled. 


  1. Do you grocery shop because you have to or because you want to be healthier? If it's to be healthier that's really cool because I've always wanted to like buy my own super healthy stuff but for the most part my mom is very good about buying organically, locally, and not from large corporations

    1. I grocery shop so I can eat the food that I want. Usually not because it's healthier. Furthermore, cooking is probably my favorite hobby.

  2. I agree with more government regulation in the food industries in order to protect the consumers. I have made small changes to my diet like reducing fast food and the amount of food I eat but I continue to eat unhealthy. This is due to the fact that I do not really pay attention to nutrition and also have no choice of what to eat because my parents choose instead. I do agree though that more discipline in diet will go far in benefitting me.

    1. It think this the controversy of this topic is not about how we don't have a choice. I think it's more of the fact that it is may require more effort to obtain the healthier choice. Of course, we as a society are too lazy to work for the better, so we place the blame on these large industries for producing large amount of low quality products that fulfill our laziness. For me, the problem I have with these industries is the poor treatment of the workers and the animals. I don't really care about the quality of the product because I know that I can always find a better choice.

  3. Though I agree with you on the fact that we do not really have the option to choose a better lifestyle due to various reasons such as mine and yours. However, I do no concur with some of the regulations that you want to enforce such as that treating animals in an ethical way. For instance, while treating animals like the industries do is somewhat an inhumane thing for people to commit, but it should be noted that improving the animals' living condition would also increase the production cost, which in turn increases the price of the products. And at the end of the rope, no one will suffer, but us, the consumer, who will bite our lips and pay the price.

  4. Though I agree with you on the fact that we do not really have the option to choose a better lifestyle due to various reasons such as mine and yours. However, I do no concur with some of the regulations that you want to enforce such as that treating animals in an ethical way. For instance, while treating animals like the industries do is somewhat an inhumane thing for people to commit, but it should be noted that improving the animals' living condition would also increase the production cost, which in turn increases the price of the products. And at the end of the rope, no one will suffer, but us, the consumer, who will bite our lips and pay the price.
