Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Whats the best alternative?

Internet trolling has become a problem that has been deteriorating over the years with no clear solution on how to fix it. These trolls seem to delight in the chaos that they cause and a growing number of victims keep being affected. During this unit, I have been wondering what would be the best way I could respond to an attack by a troll. Ignoring them does not seem to prevent or reduce trolling from happening to you; instead, this may encourage them to keep doing it. They will gradully become more offensive in their comments until they get a reaction out of you because they are safely behind their screens. The comments could eventually go past the line of harrassment as Lindy West mentioned. Then again, if you fight back with your comments, how does that help anything? Your hurt would not go away but drag on. If I was in that position, I would be offended and want to fight back just like most people would. However, I believe that the best thing you can do is to stand strong and respond to those trolls in a positive way. To show them that their comments are insignificant to your life. For example, if you keep showing kindness to bullies at school, they eventually would find no incentive to keep messing with you or may become bored. I am not saying that this is true for all cases but that this could be the most beneficial option for handling trolls. On the other hand, a person must be prepared to face the consequences of what they publish online especially if it is about controversial topics. They need to be reasonable and show understanding of many perspectives while they give their own. I agree with the First Amendment of the Constitution stating that everyone deserves the right to reveal expression through speech; no one should be able to stifle anyone of these rights. However, if the speech is detrimental enough to cause psycological harm, it should be banned. Children are probably the most engaged in the Internet world and trolling could be the one of the factors why there are many who committ suicide. The world is not the most peaceful place; evil lurks out there, but all we can really do is move on and try to be the bigger person.

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