Friday, November 20, 2015

Advice For Parents

The other day we were all given a question and you were to do research on it for homework that night. I got the question regarding the Wayback Machine. When we talked about the questions given one of them kind of stood out to me. I'm not quite sure what the question was exactly but it was something about what parents should do when it comes to allowing their children to have social media accounts. Technology is still kind of new to us and we're all still trying to know more about it but a lot of the younger generation has pretty much grown up with it. They know a lot more about how to use these new devices better than we can, especially when it comes to social media. You can go up to any group of kids and ask to see their phones and I bet you not ONE of those kids doesn't have an Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. A lot of parents now worry about what their little ones are posting or saying online and I think that parents should have the right to access to their kid's accounts to make sure that they aren't doing anything bad or getting into trouble. I also feel like parents should be able to have an open relationship with their child and talk to them about certain things. By doing this, it will hopefully have parents build trust for their kids that will allow them to post whatever they want once they feel that they are mature enough. 

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