Friday, November 20, 2015

Don't be Nasty....

"Just because you have a right to say it, doesn't mean it's right to say." This phrase is written on my government teacher's board and is the first thing I see everyday as I walk into class. As an opinionated, argumentative person, when I first heard that statement I immediately disagreed with it. Everything I say has a reason for it and just because someone doesn't like what I say doesn't mean they get to pull the "doesnt mean it's right to say" card. As usual, I was thinking only about myself. But after I read these articles about trolling I changed my perspective dramatically. Just because you CAN say "your dad killed himself because of you" does NOT mean you SHOULD say it. I'm not on social media much or these other vicious communities where trolling abounds so I didn't realize how bad the trolling world really is until I read these articles. I honestly don't see how anyone could be so malicious for NO reason. But like these articles say, its the people you least expect that when they get on the internet, their true personality comes out in all sorts of colors. I used to be able to support free speech to the last tooth and nail. Now I'm not so sure. Innocent victims should not be subject to this kind of harassment. I'm not saying we should censor all types of mean speech but SOME censoring might be necessary to protect innocent people from being tormented.

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