Friday, November 20, 2015

The Internet is a Zoo!

     The internet is a vast place, which at this point, is full of everything. Unfortunately, this includes the sick, disgusting, and negative attitude of many people. Who knows when and where online trolling specifically started, a good place to assume may be forums and message boards. Through time and the growing number of internet users, many people have become nothing more than mindless idiots whose only purpose is to digitally spit unkind or even controversial words at their targets.

     A classmate has made a clear point though. There is a fine line between joking around and serious harassment. Trolls cannot be categorized like criminals based on what offenses they commit. Trolling is trolling, regardless of where and how. Some people just like to say silly things in comments just for the laughs from everyone around them, all in good fun and humor. Others dedicate themselves to a more serious level, which may include death threats or even tracking an individuals IP address, which can lead to even more destruction.

     Many can say "Don't feed the trolls". It just makes me think about the internet being this large zoo with signs posted everywhere saying not to feed the animals. The question is, why though? There shouldn't be trolls to begin with. It just seems too easy to sit behind a screen, safe and secure from real social interaction and persecution from what you'll say. I won't give any examples, but you can imagine the kind of treatment one may receive if that individual said what they would've said online. It's just easy to get away with. I can only assume some people do it for a small thrill.

     I can't say I've had any serious problems with trolls or have been attacked. At some point in time I would sit and read through comment sections on any site and there would be a big chance I would leave the site frustrated. I don't engage or interact, I keep my thoughts to myself, but to sit and read stupid arguments that go no where really bothered me. I can admit I spend anywhere between 15-40 hours on my computer weekly. To cope with the stupidity of people online, I avoid it. I read articles, watch videos, and browse sites happily until I come across any sign of a troll. Sometimes I can tolerate it, otherwise I just continue scrolling or move on. It's really easy to just not read any of it. If there is anything to take from my blabbering, it's this, move along and pretend it's not there. Unless you're directly attacked, don't engage in the activity.


  1. Some of us find it easy to simply ignore cruel comments directed at them but some may consider it difficult. Maybe these people are influenced by societal views that say you should defend yourself and fight back. Maybe some are naturally sensitive or easily offended. Everyone has different reactions and views of trolling. I find myself wondering what the Internet world would be like without trolling but reality shows that its there and its getting worse. Maybe it would be best to try to be the bigger person and not let trolling cut you so deep but does that fix the problem?

  2. I agree with Taureece Wilson that it is simply easy to ignore the cruel comments but it comes to a point where a person can take so much. Social media is like hell sometimes its a horrible thing to see what other people say online. Like is it really necessary to do that to a person or is it there where of making them feel happy about what they did. I think Trolls are not an acceptable thing in the universe.
