Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Trolling Unit

As we started this new unit on trolling, I didn't realize I would be so into it. To be honest, I thought it was a unit on blogging and what bad stuff not to do. As we read different articles, I understood that this is a real issue. We read an article by a women named Lindy West and it really touched me. She dealt with all of this hate mail over and over. I give her props because she deals with this on a daily basis for her job. I believe that this trolling situation can not be stopped. It is going to happen on every social media all of the time. It depends on the way we take and  deal with it. West dealt with the trolling by addressing it and honestly that's the way I would as well. There are others who will let the trolling happen and stay quiet. Some people believe that if we speak up it will be like adding fuel to the fire. In West's case it turned out in a positive way. Trolling needs to be controlled. Either by the social media network or by the person dealing with it. I am very surprised that West received such a positive result. I hope more people can see that and confront the trolls.

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